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Lucy Martin
Updated April 13, 2022
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BIS503 Project Management

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Project Management

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Holmesglen Institute, Australia

Introduction of Project Management


roject Management BIS503 is one of the important subject for the students pursuing a Bachelor of Information Systems

roject Management BIS503 is one of the 

at Holmesglen University, Australia

important subject for the students pursuing a Bachelor of Information Systems at Holmesglen University, Australia

Project Management is the use of specialized knowledge, skills, tools, and processes to provide something of value to people. Certain Project Management principles which every project manager needs to follow are-

Create clear project objectives

Manage your risks

Establish a project performance baseline

Establish and maintain healthy communication among employees

Clearly define team responsibilities

Project Charter

A project charter is a formal, usually short document that explains your project in detail, including the goals, how it will be carried out, and who will be involved. It is an essential component of project planning because it is employed throughout the project lifecycle

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Assessment Details

Project management is a course that focuses on the planning, organizing, monitoring, controlling, and closing of projects. The assessment is designed to assess students’ project management skills. Further information regarding the assessment process are as follows:-

Assessment Learning Outcomes

Establish the importance of planning and analyzing a project’s outputs and outcomes before beginning the project.

Compare and contrast the various methods for predicting the length of time it will take to complete a project.

Assessment Task- Presentation

This assessment is a group task. You have to collaborate with others in completing this presentation assessment.

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You are required to:
1. Develop a set of high-quality PowerPoint Slides that are easy to read from the back of the classroom. You need to provide a project charter. The template for a project charter is provided in Week 2 learning material.
2. Present your findings and estimations to the audience. Your presentation should consist of these components:
    a. An explanation of the project that is assigned to you and its importance.
    b. An analysis of the user requirements, project deliverables, and the
milestones set to achieve the deliverables.

Sample presentation topics

Project Vision

Project Details

Team Members Roles and Responsibilities

Situation Analysis


Success Criteria

Milestones and Deliverables (MS Project)



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We understand that creating a PowerPoint Presentation is not easy for all students. It requires a number of guidelines which has to be followed in order to create informative and eye-catching presentations. If you are lacking time and want appealing Powerpoint presentations for your university assignment, then you are at the right place.

We have a team of professionals who will provide you with high-quality presentations adhering to your university guidelines. We can also prepare a project charter for your ease. So, what are you waiting for? Hire our experts for presentation assignment help in Australia now.

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Why is market research necessary in a marketing plan for small business?
Market re­search is crucial in a marketing plan for small businesses. It pinpoints your target custome­rs, learns about competitors, and monitors industry tre­nds. That means your marketing is knowledge­able and targeted.
How can I set practical marketing goals for my small business?
Create Specific, Measurable­, Achievable, Rele­vant, Time-bound (SMART) obje­ctives in your marketing plan for small business. This will provide a straightforward path and a way to gauge progre­ss. For example, Your target is to boost the inte­raction on social media by 30% within half a year.
What performance metrics should I include in my marketing plan for small businesses?
The main ones for your marketing plan for small businesses include­ the amount of online traffic you draw, the number of visitors who become custome­rs, the cost of drawing in customers, and social media activity. The­se can show how well your marketing is working and what ne­eds changing.

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